Terms of Use


Please note that when receiving patient monitoring equipment and services from Nsight Health, Inc., a Florida corporation (“Nsight”), you must agree to these “Patient Monitoring Terms of Service”, as modified from time to time. If you do not agree, you may not receive patient monitoring equipment and services. You also agree the that the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy posted on our website at https://nsightcare.com/ apply.

When you were onboarded by Nsight, you were expressly informed of how patient monitoring equipment and services function and the risks involved. You agreed that you could successfully operate the equipment and expressly agreed to receive monitoring equipment and services after fully understanding the risks involved. You agreed that these Patient Monitoring Terms of Service would apply. We recorded your oral consent at the time of onboarding.

You also agree to the following:

  1. You understand that Nsight is NOT a medical provider. Although Nsight will periodically review your data and communicate with your medical provider on your behalf, it is not a licensed or authorized caregiver and cannot make medical decisions or recommendations on your behalf. Only your individual medical care provider may do that. You will in no way rely upon Nsight, its product or services relating to your health status or medical condition.

  1. You understand that the equipment and services are meant to collect clinical data and send information to your medical provider and to your electronic medical record (“EMR”). It is NOT AN EMERGENCY RESPONSE UNIT AND IS NOT MONITORED 24/7. You agree that you must call 911 for immediate medical emergencies, you may not rely on Nsight to do it for you.

  1. To the greatest extent allowed by law, you agree on behalf of yourself and your assignees, heirs, beneficiaries, guardians, relatives and legal representatives (“Patient Parties”) to indemnify, defend and hold Nsight harmless from any loss liability or expense arising out of Nsight’s products and services except to the extent caused by the sole gross negligence or willful misconduct of Nsight.

  1. You agree on behalf of yourself and the Patient Parties to waive and release any claims for loss, liability or expense arising out of the products and services provided to you except to the extent caused by the sole gross negligence or willful misconduct of Nsight.

  1. You understand that the laws that protect the privacy and confidentiality of health and care information also apply to the data and information created, transmitted and retained by Nsight and agree to the use and sharing of such data and information for the purposes of treatment, education, billing, infrastructure and operations. By agreeing to use the products and services you are consenting to Nsight sharing your protected health information with your medical providers and other necessary third parties involved in your medical care or with Nsight systems and operations.

  1. You understand that as with any Internet-based communication, there is a risk of security breach. Although the electronic systems used will incorporate network and software security protocols to protect the confidentiality of patient identification and will include measures to safeguard the data and to ensure its integrity, there is always a potential for a data breach or release or that intentional or unintentional corruption may occur. You agree that Nsight shall have no liability in the event of such a breach or release.

  1. You agree that you are the only person who will be using the equipment and services of Nsight. You will use the equipment as instructed and will not use the products and services for any reason other than your own personal health monitoring.

  2. You agree to be contacted by Nsight through robocalls, SMS, phone calls, emails, and letters for updates, information, promotions, and notifications related to the products and services you have received.

  3. You understand that you are personally responsible for enrolling and disenrolling in the services and agree to contact Nsight by calling 888-270-4225. You understand your medical insurance provider will be responsible for payment until you are disenrolled, and any co-payment thereafter if not covered by secondary insurance is your responsibility.

  4. You understand that this program is voluntary and only one provider may provide these services at a time.

We thank you for your wish to receive Nsight products and services and look forward to supporting your desire to be more informed about your individual health and well-being. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. Please note that we reserve the right to change the Patient Monitoring Terms of Service at any time and will post any updates on our website. You agree it is your responsibility to review and abide by the most up to date version.